Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Food Baby

        After a hilarious evening at C.C.’s, I had about 24 miles to get to the Nolichucky River near Erwin, TN.  The day went without issue as I passed the NOC Nolichucky River Outpost and scrambled over a loose, rocky trail en route to a hard ball (concrete) road.  I walked over the bridge and stopped at the Nolichucky Hostel where some older, out of shape gentlemen were outside, under a tarp, playing chess, talking shit and smoking cigarettes. 

“Any vacancies?” I asked.
“Barely. How far ya come?” the burley Grateful Dead-looking man responded.
“Greasy Creek Gap.”
“Ha! That’s over 20 miles and it’s early in the day!”
“Good times.”
Nolichucky Bridge

            The realization that I wasn’t lying set in and the old man said there was a resupply inside.  I grabbed snacks and looked at my map.  The store didn’t have the amount of calories I needed to prepare for the next day of about 25 miles.  I sat down to listen the old timers talk trash over a game of chess and quietly smoked a cigarette while a dog came up for attention.  I saw sprinkles of rain begin to pepper the deck I was on and decided to go down the road to a Valero gas station in hopes of finding more food.  After a mile, I found the Valero and saw a hotel right next to it.  I did a quick recon of the gas station supplies and was impressed.

“How late are you guys open?” I asked.
“Til 10,” the cashier responded.
“I’ll be back,” instantly wishing I had used an Austrian accent.

            I decided to make it a luxury night and stay at the hotel.  The front desk gave me a number for a pizza delivery place and also a business card of a man that did shuttles to the trail, named 10K.  I showered up, ordered pizza and called 10K to see what he could do for me.

“Hi sir, I’m a thru-hiker looking to slack pack tomorrow from a point south of here, then move north to Erwin again. The next day I would need to get dropped off at the same starting spot to head south.”
“Well, my daughter’s getting married this weekend. How early were you looking to get up each day?”
“I’d like to hit the trail by 6 in the morning.”
“Oh! I can do that then. I’ll pick you up around 5:30.”

            10K pulled through for me!  I added a night to my hotel stay.  10K was going to drop me off south at Sam’s Gap, approximately 25 miles from the hotel.  I would then only pack what I needed for a day and jog or walk north at a fast pace back to Erwin, where I had a room and the rest of my camping supplies.  This would let me cover big miles and give my shoulders a break.  The day after, 10K would drop me off at Sam’s Gap again with a full pack and I would continue south.
            I went back to the Valero to examine the highest calorie snacks, bought a 6-pack of Coors Light and a pack of cigarettes.  I went back to the hotel to wait on the pizza man.  I started the trail weighing 165 lbs.  By the time I hit Erwin, my weight had dwindled to 130 lbs.  My body started to resemble someone that escaped Auschwitz.  I was small to begin with, so I wasn’t looking too healthy.  Just to maintain 130 lbs at my age, height, weight and gender I would have to consume roughly 3,000 calories a day.  I had to get on the “seafood” diet; if I see food, I eat it.  My ability to eat large quantities of food was about to hit a record high.
            The list of food from the pizza place and the gas station that I devoured in an hour and a half are as follows in no particular order…
24 BBQ wings = 1,440 calories
Pint of Ben and Jerry’s Red Velvet ice cream = 1,000 calories
Bowl of spaghetti and meatballs = 969 calories
Big bag of restaurant style Tostito tortilla chips = 1,039 calories
Tostito’s chunky salsa = 210 calories
Medium chicken, bacon, ranch pizza = 1,920 calories
6-pack of Coors Light = 600 calories
1 breadstick = 150 calories

            I ordered 2 breadsticks, but just couldn’t squeeze the second one in.  4 hours after this gluttonous event, I was hungry again so I then inhaled that last garlic breadstick.  Victory is mine!  In total, before the second breadstick, I ate 7, 328 calories in one sitting.  When you consume that much food with a body resembling Gollum from Lord of the Rings, you form a proud pot belly unlike anything you’ve ever seen and perhaps it became “my precious.”  I laughed as my belches shook the bed.  I probably had some food in my evil ginger beard as I set multiple alarms and channel surfed my way into a food coma for the evening.  Well, at least until the food wanted out, which is a whole other disgusting event that I can only describe as a man imitating the birthing process over a toilet while grabbing the tub and sink on either side of him and then… I’ll… I’ll just stop right there.